Havering Council’s cabinet has approved plans to appoint Notting Hill Housing Trust as its Joint Venture partner to deliver a regeneration project that will transform the south of the borough.
The Joint Venture partnership will see the Council work with Notting Hill Housing Trust to build at least 774 new homes in Beam Park. Cabinet members were told that the ambitious project would be delivered without burdening Council Tax payers.
The mixed-tenure development will provide 35% affordable housing, including properties for affordable rent, shared ownership and market sale. These will include one-, two- and three-bedroom flats and houses.
Members agreed to enter into a Joint Venture with Notting Hill Housing Trust to facilitate the development. The funding for the scheme will now be subject to approval at a meeting of the full council on Wednesday 21st February 2018.
The development is part of one of the Mayor of London’s Housing Zones, which will deliver 3,500 new homes across Beam Park.
In conjunction with the new developments, residents will benefit from new health facilities and a three-form entry primary school.
A two-kilometre-long linear park is being created along the A1306, which will form open green space, play facilities, sport areas, cycle lanes and areas to encourage wildlife and biodiversity.
There will also be a new bus interchange and Beam Park train station, on the c2c line, which is one of the first to be built in London for around 20 years.
Councillor Roger Ramsey, Leader of Havering Council and Lead Member for Regeneration, said: “This is definitely one of the most exciting pieces of regeneration in Havering that will transform a huge part of the south of the borough, which traditionally hasn’t received the same amount of investment as other more central areas.
“Forming this Joint Venture will allow us to deliver high-quality homes alongside a series of green open spaces that will help integrate existing and new communities. We have a growing population, and lots of people who want to stay in the borough. With great links to London and beyond, this would be a perfect location to live, work and visit.
“Notting Hill Housing Trust has committed to creating opportunities for 37 construction apprenticeships and 77 training places.
“Notting Hill’s approach as a long-term owner and manager of property means that they are committed to building homes and communities that will last, as they will be maintaining and managing these developments for many years to come.”
Kate Davies, Chief Executive of Notting Hill Housing, commented: “The transformation of Rainham and Beam Park is a major strategic initiative for Havering Council and we are very pleased and excited to be working with them to help achieve their vision for the area. That we have also been able to increase the amount of affordable housing provided in this new suburb is a boost for everyone involved in the project, as well as the extra families who will benefit from high quality housing within their budget.”