Real has been appointed by Southern Housing Group on a £15m contract to build 74 affordable and shared ow ...
Southern Housing Group chooses Real to deliver 74-home estate regeneration
Southern Housing Group chooses Real to deliver 74-home estate regeneration
LiveWest to build 7,000 affordable homes in the next five years
LiveWest to build 7,000 affordable homes in the next five years
CIP confirms its commitment to low carbon housing with planning application for further pilot Passivhaus council homes
CIP confirms its commitment to low carbon housing with planning application for further pilot Passivhaus council homes
Minister impressed by multi-tenure housing model
Minister impressed by multi-tenure housing model
One Vision Housing bring 30 new affordable apartments to Sefton
One Vision Housing bring 30 new affordable apartments to Sefton
Official ground-breaking ceremony takes place at The Meadows and Buchan Street sites
Official ground-breaking ceremony takes place at The Meadows and Buchan Street sites