Workshops show how to get the best from your heat network

Workshops show how to get the best from your heat network

‘How to get the best out of your heat network’ is the topic of two free half-day workshops for social housing providers.

The workshops will take place in London on Wednesday 26th February and Birmingham on Tuesday 19th May. At the workshops delegates will gain a good understanding of all aspects of compliant heat metering and billing across both self-managed and S106/ESCo heat schemes. This will include best practice and how to integrate customer responsive services and digital technologies within existing metering strategies. Also the hot topic of ‘open protocol systems and how the industry is responding by providing clients with a choice of metering and billing providers will be covered.

Speakers will also provide guidance on setting appropriate heat tariffs to deliver an affordable supply to residents, while ensuring that heat networks cover costs and avoid losses. Speakers include Marko Cosic (Coheat) and Tina Buchanan (Aberdeen Heat & Power) and Michael King, co-convenor of the District Energy Vanguards Network will chair both events.

Optimising existing heat networks to maximise cost and carbon savings is the final session of the day. This will explain how heat scheme operators are using digital technologies to improve efficiency by around 35%. By increasing real-time visibility across the entire heat network, optimisation services can inform continuous improvements and maintenance strategies — leading to performance improvements.

Attendees will also learn more about the impact of 5G and the Internet of Things on future 4th and 5th generation heat networks.

Social housing professionals and their heat network contractors are invited to the free workshops, which will run from 10am to 1pm, followed by lunch.

“Many housing associations and local authorities are trying to get to grips with the complex role of becoming heat network operators. The seminars will show them how to deliver the best customer service from efficient, reliable, financially sound communal heat schemes,” says Ian Allan, Head of Market Strategy for Switch2 Energy, who will present at the events.

To find out more and to book a free place on either workshop, visit:

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