A Bromley school is investing £900,000 to improve its facilities and boost those it already has, with plans for extensive development over the summer.
Bickley Park School is carrying out the work at its pre-prep and reception years site, with the construction of new classrooms and a re-fresh of its sports hall among the plans.
The independent boys school was founded in 1918 and still operates from the original buildings, which are spread over two sites on Page Heath Lane, split into prep and pre-prep.
Modernisation work has been carried out on both sites in recent years, alongside extensions to house new facilities such as a theatre and music studio.
Samik Patel, Assistant Head and Director of School Development, said the upcoming works aimed to overhaul some areas that had become tired, while providing extra classroom space for the growing pupil population.
“These works will complete our cycle of investment in the pre-prep department. This has been planned to tie in with our strategy of ‘building from the bottom’ — giving our pupils the best possible grounding as they start their educational journey,” Simak added. “The development scheme will significantly enhance our facilities making the school an exciting place to learn.”
Building work, set to take place over the summer, will include:
- Overhauling the pre-prep reception area, creating a registrar’s office and improving entrance security.
- Replacing a dining area and staff room with extra Year 1 and 2 classrooms.
- Creating a dining room and kitchen facilities in place of two existing classrooms.
- Improving the sports hall with upgrades to lighting, heating and equipment.
- Building three state-of-the-art reception classrooms.
Mr Patel said ‘significant investment’ was also planned for the prep site but this was still being finalised. The works to the pre-prep site come after a new timber trail, outdoor classroom and astro-turf pitch were installed over summer 2016.
Patrick Wenham, Headteacher at Bickley Park, said all the investment was geared towards the pupils, giving them the best environment for learning that was motivational, as well as fun.
“We know tailoring the curriculum to respond to male learning traits has tangible benefits and providing the right environment in which to provide this is just as important as the way classes are taught,” Patrick added.
“The improvements to the pre-prep department will include providing larger, lighter learning spaces. The greatest leaps in learning occur early in a child’s education so it is important to invest well at this important stage.”
The improvement works are due to be completed in time for the start of 2017/18 school year.