Midlands-based Bromford and South-west-based Merlin have officially launched their new organisation after ...
Bromford and Merlin launch new organisation as partnership deal finalised
Bromford and Merlin launch new organisation as partnership deal finalised
Shortage of affordable village homes is sucking the life out rural Britain
Shortage of affordable village homes is sucking the life out rural Britain
City Council starts work on Housing With Care development
City Council starts work on Housing With Care development
£21m investment for rapid rehousing in Scotland
£21m investment for rapid rehousing in Scotland
Southampton embraces IoT to become a connected city
Southampton embraces IoT to become a connected city
First tenants take up residence at FitHome development
First tenants take up residence at FitHome development
Muir sparks 50-year celebrations by launching its biggest single development in years
Muir sparks 50-year celebrations by launching its biggest single development in years
Breathe Energy wins new EPC at East Kent Hospitals
Breathe Energy wins new EPC at East Kent Hospitals
Catalyst announces line-up for £500m contractor framework
Catalyst announces line-up for £500m contractor framework