In the light of the Northamptonshire County Council Best Value report, the Leaders of the Districts and Borough Councils across Northamptonshire have said they acknowledge the enormity of the situation in Northamptonshire and recognise the national challenges posed by the delivery of services such as Children’s and Adult Social Care.
However, they have stated that they do not believe that a unitary model suggested in the report is the only way forward. They stress that residents need to be at the heart of any solutions to the challenges posed and that any proposals considered in response to the County Council’s issues must be must be sustainable, long-term, and in the best interests of residents.
They say that based on their current understanding of the issues, they believe they have suggestions that can contribute towards a solution that works for residents.
They have also requested a meeting with the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss the situation and explore whatever potential solutions may exist in the best interests of residents.
Cllr Ian McCord, Leader of South Northamptonshire Council, said: “Whilst the report is damning on every page, unfortunately it does not come as a surprise to those serving the county’s borough and district councils.
“Unitary proposals are not the silver bullet for the county’s issues and the solution offered does not take into account whatsoever the successful relationship between South Northamptonshire Council and Cherwell District Council.”