Cartrefi Conwy, a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) in Conwy, North Wales has announced its decision to fit Aico’s mains powered Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm, Ei2110e as standard across its entire housing stock.
Having achieved the Welsh Housing Quality Standard, Cartrefi Conwy is one of North Wales’ foremost providers of affordable, high quality homes. It places the safety of its tenants at the highest priority and has a commendable 100% coverage of mains powered alarms across its 3,800 properties. A long standing Aico customer of over 10 years, Cartrefi Conwy had been using the company’s Ei160RC alarms, but has upgraded the specification to the Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm, Ei2110e.
The Ei2110e contains two sensor types, optical and heat, to constantly monitor smoke and heat levels, sending and receiving information via its intelligent detection software. This sensor information alintelters the alarm’s sensitivity and trigger points, automatically providing the best response to all fire types and reduces potential false alarms.
This was a key factor for Cartrefi Conwy as Property Services Manager Wayne Bannister explained: “Due to the combination of smoke and heat working in tandem we expect there to be fewer false alarms. They also offer reassurance to our tenants that they have a device that is cutting edge technology that will keep them safer in their homes.”
Cartrefi Conwy will be installing the Ei2110e to a minimum category of LD3, which requires alarms in all circulation spaces that form part of the escape routes from the premises. For its sheltered flats, it will increase the coverage to category LD2 which sees the addition of alarms in all rooms that present a high risk of fire to occupants. The alarms will be fitted during planned installation programmes and also reactively as required. In addition, they will be fitted as standard in Cartrefi Conwy’s new-build development programme.
A feature rich device, the Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm comes with sophisticated data extraction technology in the form of AudioLINK for single alarm data and RadioLINK+ for whole system data. “AudioLINK is definitely a technology we will be utilising especially where we have an incident” commented Wayne. AudioLINK enables real time data to be extracted from each alarm using its sounder directly to a smartphone or tablet via a free App to create an Alarm Status Report. The Report displays useful information about the alarm, such as battery life, alarm sensors status, number of times tested and removed; and any alarm activations, with details of when it occurred — all in a simple easy to read format.
RadioLINK+ technology will also be used to wirelessly interconnect Aico’s Ei450 Alarm Controller in all sheltered housing schemes and in properties where Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms are present; and the Ei414 Fire/CO Alarm Interface which is installed in properties that are covered by a warden call scheme and have different detection types i.e. smoke, heats CO.
“Cartrefi Conwy use RadioLINK extensively and find it to be a huge cost benefit to us with reducing wiring costs” stated Wayne. “The tenants have less or no decoration and the installation process is far less intrusive.”
Wayne is appreciative not only of the technology and sophisticated features of Aico’s alarms and accessories, but also of the customer service: “The service is excellent. Steve Trafford [Aico Regional Specification Manager] is always available to advise and calls in regularly providing me with updates. I’ve always been impressed with the customer focus of Aico and the user-friendliness of their products. I have made a point of standardising Cartrefi Conwy’s domestic fire detection to be solely Aico.”