Housing Plus Group is celebrating the completion of an ambitious project to provide new homes for affordable rent and shared ownership in a Shropshire village.
The 20 homes in Parry Close, off Ruyton Road, in Baschurch, have been built exclusively for people with a local connection to the village.
A mixture of one-bedroom apartments, one and two-bedroom bungalows and two and three-bedroom houses, the homes include a range of energy-efficient features, including solar panels and electric charging points.
External cavity walls have been constructed using the latest insulation, which incorporates heat-reflective, low-emissive technology. Bird boxes, bat boxes and hedgehog highways have also been installed to encourage and protect local wildlife.
Kerry Bolister, Director of development at Housing Plus Group, said: “Our Parry Close development incorporates the latest ‘green’ technology, meaning they are more insulated and energy efficient than most older properties.”
Work on site has been carried out on behalf of Housing Plus Group by Shrewsbury-based construction firm, TC Homes, which formally handed over the development in May.
Scott Drummond, TC Homes Development and Planning Manager, said: “At Parry Close we have installed Viridian PV panels that will supply solar electric to the homes, including the heating and hot water, reducing the cost of electric and how much they use off the grid. The homes have also been built from sustainable timber frame.”
The homes were developed with £1,006,000 in funding from Homes England and a £125,000 subsidy from Shropshire Council.