CIBSE unveils “Building Performance Reimagined” project: Pioneering a future-focused approach to building engineering

CIBSE unveils “Building Performance Reimagined” project: Pioneering a future-focused approach to building engineering

CIBSE has launched a groundbreaking initiative titled Building Performance Reimagined, a visionary project aimed at transforming the landscape of building engineering and sustainability.

Commissioned by CIBSE and researched by Arup, the Building Performance Reimagined project diverges from conventional engineering paradigms. Rather than focusing solely on system sizing, maintenance or controls, the initiative takes a holistic, future-oriented perspective on building performance.

At its core, Building Performance Reimagined seeks to redefine the parameters of traditional engineering practices and equip CIBSE members with the tools to meet future challenges head-on. The project explores the dynamic and evolving nature of building performance, going beyond energy efficiency and carbon reduction to consider broader forms of value within the built environment.

The report introduces four pivotal performance metrics designed to guide the industry towards enhanced health and resilience:

Variety: Optimising building services to promote space efficiency, adaptability and user diversity.

Readiness: Enhancing building services to anticipate and mitigate risks, ensuring resilience against unforeseen threats.

Connectedness: Integrating building services with local and wider systems, enhancing responsiveness to the environment and its contents.

Emergence: Enabling building services to contribute positively over time, learning and adapting as structures age.

Building Performance Reimagined expands the role of building services engineers beyond traditional boundaries. Engineers are now tasked with enhancing all aspects of life within and around buildings, fostering biodiversity, promoting social equity through design decisions and influencing urban contexts to harmonise with local and city infrastructures.

The Building Performance Reimagined report is available for free download at

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