Scotland’s leading procurement experts has strengthened its business team after joining forces with a ren ...
Framework specialists procure new Regional Business Manager
|Framework specialists procure new Regional Business Manager
Scotland’s leading procurement experts has strengthened its business team after joining forces with a renowned industry veteran. With 19 years of experience and expertise in managing high-value contra ...
£135m framework winners named for critical public sector safety and compliance work
|£135m framework winners named for critical public sector safety and compliance work
Winning building maintenance and compliance consultancies and contractors have been named for a Britain-w ...
Winning building maintenance and compliance consultancies and contractors have been named for a Britain-wide £135m framework designed to deliver building life safety and maintenance for the public sec ...
Call goes out for construction firms to shape new decarbonisation and retrofit framework for public sector
|Call goes out for construction firms to shape new decarbonisation and retrofit framework for public sector
Specialist contractors are being sought to help influence a multi-million-pound framework dedicated to ta ...
Specialist contractors are being sought to help influence a multi-million-pound framework dedicated to tackling the energy-efficient retrofit and decarbonisation of Great Britain’s public sector build ...