When it comes to settings that are considered ‘live’ such as in healthcare, being at the heart of the pro ...
Breathing new life: Secondment aids in major upgrade at live hospital site
Breathing new life: Secondment aids in major upgrade at live hospital site
Pick Everard awarded key Cadent Framework appointment
Pick Everard awarded key Cadent Framework appointment
Pick Everard completes £2.2m sustainable expansion project at Essex School
Pick Everard completes £2.2m sustainable expansion project at Essex School
New sports hub design combines elite sport and community needs
New sports hub design combines elite sport and community needs
Pick Everard completes major £15m East Midlands heart services relocation
Pick Everard completes major £15m East Midlands heart services relocation
Partnership provides procurement path to healthcare foundation
Partnership provides procurement path to healthcare foundation
Establishing resilient health and safety practices for employees
Establishing resilient health and safety practices for employees
Modular classrooms to create 750 new school places
Modular classrooms to create 750 new school places