EA Technology, together with project partners, has been successful in winning funding for the Alpha phase ...
Successful funding bid for Inform leads to collaborative innovation
Successful funding bid for Inform leads to collaborative innovation
Aston University wins £1.8m to boost West Midlands low carbon markets
Aston University wins £1.8m to boost West Midlands low carbon markets
New National Retrofit Hub to propel greener homes
New National Retrofit Hub to propel greener homes
Boost for net zero targets as Equans and Innovate UK provide funding to specialist net zero digital start ups
Boost for net zero targets as Equans and Innovate UK provide funding to specialist net zero digital start ups
EQUANS gets government grant to progress the energy transition in the UK
EQUANS gets government grant to progress the energy transition in the UK
A seismic transformation for construction
A seismic transformation for construction
Seismic Consortium innovations for school design and construction hailed as trailblazer
Seismic Consortium innovations for school design and construction hailed as trailblazer