Stevenage’s first newly-built council homes for more than 30 years have been handed over to the council a ...
Tenants set for Stevenage’s first newly-built council homes since the 1980s
Tenants set for Stevenage’s first newly-built council homes since the 1980s
Stonewater named Landlord of the Year at South West Regional Energy Efficiency & Healthy Homes Awards 2017
Stonewater named Landlord of the Year at South West Regional Energy Efficiency & Healthy Homes Awards 2017
Work commences on site to deliver new council homes for Runnymede Borough Council
Work commences on site to deliver new council homes for Runnymede Borough Council
North Mundham village scheme highlights the challenges of creating affordable rural housing
North Mundham village scheme highlights the challenges of creating affordable rural housing
Rural Housing Week brings Braunston community together
Rural Housing Week brings Braunston community together
Peabody launches latest shared ownership homes at Merchants Walk
Peabody launches latest shared ownership homes at Merchants Walk
BASF launches new generation of eco-friendly spray foam insulation
BASF launches new generation of eco-friendly spray foam insulation
Council housing residents receive fire door safety award
Council housing residents receive fire door safety award
First communal domestic GSHP installation in the East of England to benefit Flagship Group residents
First communal domestic GSHP installation in the East of England to benefit Flagship Group residents