Landlords, tenants and housing officials are being urged to come together to tackle a problem which costs ...
Launch of UK’s first ever Damp & Mould Action and Awareness Week
|Launch of UK’s first ever Damp & Mould Action and Awareness Week
Landlords, tenants and housing officials are being urged to come together to tackle a problem which costs the NHS more than £2.5 billion every year. Over seven million households in the UK are affecte ...
Cistermiser | Limescale prevention
|Cistermiser | Limescale prevention
Limescale often forms in the heating and hot water systems of domestic properties located in hard water a ...
Limescale often forms in the heating and hot water systems of domestic properties located in hard water areas — which can severely impact a boiler’s performance, efficiency and longevity. Installing a ...
The Royal Borough of Greenwich directs total of £10m to help residents with the cost of living
|The Royal Borough of Greenwich directs total of £10m to help residents with the cost of living
The Council has directed £10m in total to Greenwich Supports, following another injection of £4.75m agree ...
The Council has directed £10m in total to Greenwich Supports, following another injection of £4.75m agreed by the Cabinet on Wednesday 12th July, to help tackle the cost-of-living crisis and support i ...
Leeds collaborating with UK business leaders to help unlock green home upgrades
|Leeds collaborating with UK business leaders to help unlock green home upgrades
Leeds City Council is working with some of the country’s biggest firms to address barriers that prevent h ...
Leeds City Council is working with some of the country’s biggest firms to address barriers that prevent households from accessing energy-saving green home upgrades. The council has been part of a majo ...
New research from Orbit reveals need to make net zero goals more relevant to households
|New research from Orbit reveals need to make net zero goals more relevant to households
Social housing providers must make net zero carbon more relevant to customers if they are to meet the cha ...
Social housing providers must make net zero carbon more relevant to customers if they are to meet the challenge of decarbonisation according to new research by Orbit. In its latest report, 2500 Days — ...
‘Devastating’ levels of fuel poverty in rural Scotland uncovered by new research
|‘Devastating’ levels of fuel poverty in rural Scotland uncovered by new research
The impact of far higher levels of fuel poverty on the physical and mental health of people living in rur ...
The impact of far higher levels of fuel poverty on the physical and mental health of people living in rural areas of Scotland is outlined in research published by Changeworks. Comparing three regions ...
Leeds secures £16.8m boost for new plans to help residents access affordable green home upgrades
|Leeds secures £16.8m boost for new plans to help residents access affordable green home upgrades
Hundreds more households will enjoy cheaper energy bills thanks to green upgrades after Leeds City Counci ...
Hundreds more households will enjoy cheaper energy bills thanks to green upgrades after Leeds City Council secured £16.8m to progress its plans to deliver climate-friendly housing across the city. The ...
Should we have a subsidised social tariff for energy?
|Should we have a subsidised social tariff for energy?
Is it now time to introduce a subsidised social energy tariff for the most vulnerable in our communities, ...
Is it now time to introduce a subsidised social energy tariff for the most vulnerable in our communities, says Ollie Gray, Business Development Director at Charis Grants. It’s a strange world when you ...