Hundreds of Leeds homeowners, renters, and landlords of properties without gas central heating can now ge ...
Council launches new scheme to help Leeds residents cut energy bills
|Council launches new scheme to help Leeds residents cut energy bills
Hundreds of Leeds homeowners, renters, and landlords of properties without gas central heating can now get energy saving green measures installed free of charge or at a significant discount, thanks to ...
Golding Homes awarded £1.4m government funding for energy efficiency improvements
|Golding Homes awarded £1.4m government funding for energy efficiency improvements
Maidstone-based housing association Golding Homes has successfully bid for £1.4m from the Department of E ...
Maidstone-based housing association Golding Homes has successfully bid for £1.4m from the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF Wave 2.1). The money ...
Leeds secures £16.8m boost for new plans to help residents access affordable green home upgrades
|Leeds secures £16.8m boost for new plans to help residents access affordable green home upgrades
Hundreds more households will enjoy cheaper energy bills thanks to green upgrades after Leeds City Counci ...
Hundreds more households will enjoy cheaper energy bills thanks to green upgrades after Leeds City Council secured £16.8m to progress its plans to deliver climate-friendly housing across the city. The ...
Worcester Bosch | Supporting social housing providers
|Worcester Bosch | Supporting social housing providers
LABM speaks to Simon Tarr, National Projects Director at Worcester Bosch, about how the organisation work ...
LABM speaks to Simon Tarr, National Projects Director at Worcester Bosch, about how the organisation works with social housing providers, the solutions it offers, decarbonisation and the future of hea ...