Dutyholders must pay heed to multiple emerging fire safety legislations, such as the Fire Safety (England ...
Dutyholders must pay heed to multiple emerging fire safety legislations, urges Bureau Veritas
Dutyholders must pay heed to multiple emerging fire safety legislations, urges Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas welcomes amendment to Part B and encourages firms to take heed of new combustible cladding laws
Bureau Veritas welcomes amendment to Part B and encourages firms to take heed of new combustible cladding laws
Allegion | Multi-occupancy and the new age of fire safety
Allegion | Multi-occupancy and the new age of fire safety
FireAngel | The future of fire safety for social housing
FireAngel | The future of fire safety for social housing
FPA releases new research on the smoke toxicity of building cladding
FPA releases new research on the smoke toxicity of building cladding
Government bans the use of combustible materials in new high-rise buildings above 18m
Government bans the use of combustible materials in new high-rise buildings above 18m
The Hackitt Review: Industry responses
The Hackitt Review: Industry responses