One of the UK’s largest social landlords, Platform Housing Group, has published its annual gender and eth ...
Platform Housing Group publishes gender and ethnicity pay gap report
|Platform Housing Group publishes gender and ethnicity pay gap report
One of the UK’s largest social landlords, Platform Housing Group, has published its annual gender and ethnicity pay gap report. The housing association has announced its 2023 findings with highlights ...
North Wales Housing receives prestigious equality and diversity award
|North Wales Housing receives prestigious equality and diversity award
North Wales Housing has become the first social landlord in North Wales to achieve the prestigious and na ...
North Wales Housing has become the first social landlord in North Wales to achieve the prestigious and nationally recognised QED Equality and Diversity Mark. The QED Award was developed by Tai Pawb, a ...
Annual WISH survey highlights gender bias in social housing
|Annual WISH survey highlights gender bias in social housing
More than half of social housing professionals feel that the opinions of women working in the sector get ...
More than half of social housing professionals feel that the opinions of women working in the sector get overlooked in their organisations because of their gender, according to new research released o ...
Win for Shelforce at inaugural housing awards
|Win for Shelforce at inaugural housing awards
Window and door manufacturer Shelforce won the ‘Most Significant Service Improvement’ award at the first ...
Window and door manufacturer Shelforce won the ‘Most Significant Service Improvement’ award at the first ever Housing Awards. City Housing, part of Birmingham City Council, launched the awards as part ...