The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) announced this week that it has handed c ...
DLUHC gives local authorities new CPO powers to buy land cheaply
|DLUHC gives local authorities new CPO powers to buy land cheaply
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) announced this week that it has handed councils new powers to buy cheaper land in a bid to support the delivery of more social and affo ...
Platform development figures reflect commitment to keep building homes
|Platform development figures reflect commitment to keep building homes
Platform Housing Group has released its development results from the previous financial year revealing re ...
Platform Housing Group has released its development results from the previous financial year revealing record-breaking numbers. The Midland’s-based organisation posted starts on 1,534 homes which is t ...
NHBC launches local authorities insights collection
|NHBC launches local authorities insights collection
Independent provider of warranty and insurance for new-build homes, NHBC has brought together some of the ...
Independent provider of warranty and insurance for new-build homes, NHBC has brought together some of the leaders of local authority development and regeneration to share their thoughts on this import ...
Affordable Housing in the BCP area at crisis level
|Affordable Housing in the BCP area at crisis level
David Cracklen, Director of AJC Group, comments on the lack of affordable housing in the Bournemouth, Chr ...
David Cracklen, Director of AJC Group, comments on the lack of affordable housing in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area as a matter of urgency, following reports that individuals on middle i ...
Social landlord selects Vale Southern to build £6.7m assisted living scheme
|Social landlord selects Vale Southern to build £6.7m assisted living scheme
Thorngate Churcher Trust, a charitable registered social landlord, has selected Vale Southern Constructio ...
Thorngate Churcher Trust, a charitable registered social landlord, has selected Vale Southern Construction to build 30 new homes for the over 50s in Gosport, Hampshire. The £6.7m contract will provid ...
Taylor Lane Timber Frame | Fabric first and MMC Category 2 timber frame housing solutions
|Taylor Lane Timber Frame | Fabric first and MMC Category 2 timber frame housing solutions
Blane Pannell, Sales and Marketing Director at Taylor Lane Timber Frame, discusses the importance of taki ...
Blane Pannell, Sales and Marketing Director at Taylor Lane Timber Frame, discusses the importance of taking a fabric first approach to building new homes and the benefits of opting for MMC Category 2 ...
Platform Housing Group issues £250m sustainability bond
|Platform Housing Group issues £250m sustainability bond
Platform Housing Group, the largest housing association in the Midlands, has issued a second sustainabili ...
Platform Housing Group, the largest housing association in the Midlands, has issued a second sustainability bond from its £1bn EMTN programme. The £250m bond has a 26-year maturity and was priced at G ...
Scottish Government affordable rented housebuilding programme in ‘absolute freefall’ amid ‘national housing emergency’
|Scottish Government affordable rented housebuilding programme in ‘absolute freefall’ amid ‘national housing emergency’
SFHA say government’s affordable homes target ‘all but over’ as number of homes being built by housing as ...
SFHA say government’s affordable homes target ‘all but over’ as number of homes being built by housing associations plummet to 35-year low. The Scottish Government’s programme for building affordable ...
Housing association completes its most energy-efficient MMC homes
|Housing association completes its most energy-efficient MMC homes
An innovative development of factory-built affordable housing has been officially opened in Gloucestershi ...
An innovative development of factory-built affordable housing has been officially opened in Gloucestershire. Regional housing association Bromford has this month started welcoming customers into their ...
New partnership will deliver homes 30% cheaper than Cambridgeshire average
|New partnership will deliver homes 30% cheaper than Cambridgeshire average
Keepmoat, along with Homes England and South Cambridgeshire District Council have launched the first set ...
Keepmoat, along with Homes England and South Cambridgeshire District Council have launched the first set of Northstowe Discount Market Sale (DMS) Homes at the Stirling Fields development in Cambridges ...