The last phase of a £5.4m scheme to bring nearly 60 new affordable homes to Martlesham is now complete after Suffolk Housing welcomed its final tenants to the properties.
Seven shared ownership homes have been constructed at Nightingale Way to give local people an affordable way to get a foot on the property ladder, while a further four properties have been made available at an affordable rent.
Ben Knights, partner Georgia Finch and their children Isabella, two, and two-month-old Thea (pictured above with their Labrador), picked up the keys to their shared ownership home around 10 days ago and have not looked back since.
“We are really happy with our home,” said Ben, who grew up in Nacton and moved to Martlesham from a rented property in Little Bealings. “We were keen to stay in the area as Georgia’s mum lives nearby.
“We really wanted to get a foot on the property ladder and own our own place but would never have been able to without the shared ownership scheme. It was the ideal solution for us as we didn’t need a huge deposit and can increase our share of the house over time, which means eventually we will own it outright.
“It is an investment and gives us security for the future.”
The properties are the final piece in the jigsaw of a larger scheme, which has seen Suffolk Housing make a total of 42 rented and 17 shared ownership homes available on the site over the past three years. The properties range in size from two to four bedrooms, and are a combination of flats, bungalows and houses.
Sue Philp, Chief Executive of Suffolk Housing, said: “We are really pleased that work on the scheme at Martlesham is now complete. These new homes will help meet growing demand for affordable property across Suffolk while giving people the ideal opportunity to take their first steps onto the ladder.
“We hope that everyone who has brought or rented a property will be very happy in their new home for many years to come.”