Thorngate Churcher Trust, a charitable registered social landlord, has selected Vale Southern Construction to build 30 new homes for the over 50s in Gosport, Hampshire.
The £6.7m contract will provide warden-assisted flats as part of the charity’s long-term commitment to providing affordable housing in Gosport.
Vale Southern will transform a derelict corner plot into a development spanning two and three storeys offering contemporary homes, communal facilities, car parking and landscaped grounds. Modern methods of construction will be used by the contractor, including a lightweight steel frame, which will be assembled off site to achieve higher programme productivity.
Oliver West, Managing Director of Vale Southern, said: “We’re looking forward to working with Thorngate Churcher Trust for the first time and bringing much needed housing to the area.
“Although the site is vacant, we’re mindful of the surrounding residents and will be liaising closely with them to try and minimise any potential disruption. Our priority is to deliver this vital development within 56 weeks enabling the first residents to move in by late spring 2025.”
Thorngate Chief Executive Anne Taylor added: “Finding the right contractor to work with us is hugely important and it was vital that we appointed a company which understands the intricacies of creating our homes and can work with us on tight timescales and budgets while causing as little disruption as possible to nearby residents.
“We look forward to seeing the new homes take shape over the coming months.”
The project has been kickstarted thanks to a grant from Homes England and will meet a growing demand for housing in the borough with more than 100 people on Thorngate’s waiting list for an assisted living home.
The charity already operates 124 flats for assisted living in Gosport as well as a 44-bed care home offering residential care for older people, including those living with dementia.
Header image: CGI of Thorngate Churcher Trust’s new assisted living scheme in Gosport.