A significant number of much-needed new affordable homes are to be delivered in Sleaford.
Platform Housing Group, the Midland’s largest social landlord, will work alongside Miller Homes on bringing 160 homes to the site at the Handley Chase Sustainable Urban Extension.
For Platform, the agreement represents another successful land deal to be added to the Association’s ambitious pipeline, supporting the commitment to start work on over 1,300 homes across the Midlands in the year April 2022 to March 2023. The housing association recently announced it would be bringing almost 320 homes to a new site in Nottingham and a further 260 to Keresely near Coventry.
Kate Ellison, Platform’s Director of Land, Partnerships and Business Development said: “We’re delighted with this latest agreement to provide more affordable homes and the solid foundations they will bring for the people that go on to live in them. The development is proof once again that we can deliver the solutions that local partners need to solve their housing issues. I’m also proud of the team for securing such a significant number of opportunities in the past couple of months against the backdrop of the challenges facing the housing and constructions sectors as Platform continues our ambition to keep building homes. My thanks go to the teams involved in securing the deal and our partners at Miller Homes.”
Overall, some 1,450 homes will be built for Sleaford, with this new diverse community also hosting a convenience store, a new school, playing fields and a 67-bed retirement home.
Matt Carroll, Senior Land Manager at Platform Housing Group commented: “This is an exciting opportunity for Platform Housing Group to continue building on our excellent working relationship with Miller Homes. As ever, this deal would not have been possible without our trusted consultant team, with Gabor Taller at Browne Jacobson, Greg James at WP Housing and Jon Adams at Tetlow King all providing essential support. An extra mention should also be made for our partners at North Kesteven District Council for their proactive and pragmatic support throughout the process so far.”
Stephanie Parker, Land Manager for Miller Homes added: “It has been good to once again work in partnership with Platform Housing Group on this site within the East Midlands. It has given us a great opportunity to deliver 160 homes that will in part help address the housing shortage in the area.”
Residents will be able to live in the homes through a variety of tenures including affordable rent, shared ownership and rent to buy. Subject to planning approval, work is anticipated to start on the site in the Spring of 2024.
Header image: A site plan of the new development in Sleaford