Following the publication of its ‘Making a Difference’ report in September which gives an overview of the social impact delivered across the business, Clarion Housing Group has released a report which provides a closer look at the social value generated through its partners and contractors.
As the largest social landlord in the country, Clarion is in a unique position to use its buying power to leverage social value from its supply chain, working with partners to transform lives and make a difference in its communities.
Working collaboratively enables the delivery of a broad range of social value initiatives in line with the priorities and objectives of the Group’s charitable foundation, Clarion Futures.
In 2022/23, this activity generated a record £16m in social value*, including the delivery of 195 apprenticeships, helping people of all ages to take their first step on the career ladder within the construction industry or rejoin the employment market. In addition, more than 1,300 people completed training to help them gain new skills and find employment, and there have been 203 job starts with 102 work experience opportunities created.
As well as employment-related activity, partners and contractors have invested £216,000 to improve facilities in Clarion communities with £483,000 donated to support community projects — a 137% increase on the previous year.
More than £55,000 has also been donated towards digital devices as part of a loan scheme that offers residents a lifeline by connecting them to jobs and training opportunities, as well as to family and friends. In 2023/24, this will be expanded to provide business mentoring to community organisations.
One example of the positive impact of this activity is the support provided to Clarion resident, Stacy Bradley, who set up an innovative social enterprise called ‘Safe at Home’ to help fellow domestic abuse survivors by offering the free installation of security cameras and lighting to reduce the likelihood of post-separation abuse and harassment.
Clarion Futures provided initial support to help develop the idea, before involving contractors Equans who contributed to the project through Clarion’s social value programme, donating equipment and installing devices free of charge. Clarion has now committed additional funding, with contractors Equans, United Living and Wates all contributing alongside a package of non-financial support.
Phil Miles, Director of Clarion Futures, said: “We’re delighted to have worked with our partners and contractors to deliver £16m in social value over the last year, and would like to say a special thank you to our three planned investment contractors, Equans, Wates and United Living, who have gone above and beyond to support our work.
“We take great pride in the tangible outcomes we have achieved together, including job creation, skills development, and the revitalisation of local community centres. By harnessing the collective power of our supply chain, we are making a significant and positive difference in the lives of our residents and communities.”
James Cousins, Regeneration Director at Equans, commented: “We are delighted to see Clarion’s latest report and the staggering amount of social value generated for the communities we’re all working with.
“Social value is more important than ever. There’s a pressing need for greater investment in communities and the construction industry must be prepared to step up and play a key role towards this. None of this would have been possible without the collaboration between all delivery partners and our valued key supply-chain.
“Initiatives such as the Safe at Home project are a great example of how, when we work together, and harness grassroots passion, experience, and skills, we can deliver tangible, lasting benefits across our communities.”
To find out more about Clarion’s social value programme, email socialvalue@clarionhg.com.
*Social value is calculated using the HACT (Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust) Social Value Bank.
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