National framework provider Pagabo has successfully hit its biggest social value milestone to date, achieving £6bn in social value enabled through works and services procured through its collection of frameworks.
Marking its 10th year in business, 2023 saw the Pagabo team continue its strengthening success with the announcement and launch of several frameworks. Its portfolio expansion includes the £545m M&E Framework and the forthcoming third iteration of the Professional Services Framework, which is set to go live in April 2024. All of these frameworks and the organisation’s wider work supports one of Pagabo’s core principles of being a force for good through its actions.
The £6bn social value milestone includes the creation of more than 7,000 jobs, with another 28,000 safeguarded. Collectively, these two achievements alone equate to more than £246m of social value enabled. Other notable statistics include the creation of work placements, with close to 2,300 placements and apprenticeship opportunities sitting at nearly 1,900.
Jason Stapley, Chief Procurement Officer at Pagabo said: “At the heart of all of our frameworks and our ethos as a team is to drive social value, so we’re very pleased to hit such a key milestone as we celebrate our 10th year in business. Wider than that, we strive to be pioneers for procurement that is ethical for our clients, suppliers, and communities.
“Aspects such as job creation, safeguarding jobs and creating opportunities for our industry’s next generation has continued to be at the forefront of our minds. Not only do the frameworks act a vessel for growth in the built environment sector but each of those projects have teams being safeguarded, jobs being created, and skills being enhanced, and communities being supported in as many ways as possible through the provision of each project’s unique outcomes.”
Since 2017, Pagabo has generated its social value figures through Loop, the leading social-value company in helping organisations measure their social impact. Representation of the milestone figure can be seen through projects procured all over the UK, including Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Jason continued: “Our choice to measure our social value comes largely from our goal to enact positive impact and work with our clients and suppliers to leave a lasting legacy. The use of Loop allows us not only to help clients and suppliers understand their impacts, but it is hugely beneficial for us to see how we can improve to make projects procured through our portfolio have that maximum impact for real life people.”
Pagabo also places a big focus on giving back from its activities as much as possible. It has ongoing agreements for framework hosting and management, under which a percentage of usage income is returned directly to the framework’s public sector contracting authority. This in turn helps to fund the host organisations’ to support good causes, activities and interventions in their local or national areas — in turn further increasing the social value born out of framework usage.
For example, providing rebate returns for schools has showcased a £204,000 investment in mental health for trust school children and staff. Meanwhile, £272,000 has gone towards sustainability upgrades and initiatives across a number of estates. Schools have also benefitted from more than £25,000 worth of free school meals in holidays, making sure eligible pupils can still access the meals outside of term time.
Pagabo will continue its focus on social value into 2024, with several forthcoming framework launches set to see more projects procured, which will together create positive impact for communities around the UK.
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