London’s social housing sector raises alarm of critical labour shortages

London’s social housing sector raises alarm of critical labour shortages

The London Homes Coalition – a partnership of major housing associations, contractors and specialist suppliers in London – has launched the ‘Building Skills for the Future’ report, which identifies the critical risk to the maintenance, retrofit and provision of London’s social and affordable housing.

Based on a first-of-its-kind analysis of the consolidated work programmes of the seven key housing associations in the Coalition, the report identifies a demand of 10,000 people annually to meet their asset management commitments, and up to 31,000 to deliver new build planned investments over the next five years.

Combined, the Coalition’s pipeline represents about 10% of the overall construction workforce in the capital, which is a significant proportion considering the competing needs of other housing association and council house building and asset management programmes. Without further action, the Coalition alone faces a potential shortfall of around 2,600 skilled people to deliver these investments.

This challenge will be particularly critical for specific trades and occupations. For example, the Coalition alone will require 8-10% of the London’s roofers and carpenters & joiners, which already face significant recruitment pressures.

Considering current recruitment trends, the Coalition would only have 85% of the roofers and 78% of the surveyors needed to provide and maintain affordable housing across the capital over the next five years.

Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Chief Executive Officer at L&Q, highlighted the opportunity and challenge this provides: “A quarter of London’s new homes are built by housing associations, and we are responsible for maintaining and investing in over 700,000 homes across the country. However, our workforce is ageing, retiring, and not being replaced by newly trained staff. This growing challenge threatens the provision of genuinely affordable, warm and safe housing in the capital.”

The London Homes Coalition recognises the need for sector-wide collaboration, engagement with further education and training providers, and close cooperation with government bodies at national, regional, and local levels. The Building Skills for the Future report outlines three key strategies:

  • Promote the sector nationally, showcasing opportunities and benefits of working in the social housing sector, working closely with education providers to proactively reach young people, and targeting under-represented groups.
  • Remove barriers to apprenticeships and skills development, reviewing current entry requirements, promoting existing programmes, and working with education providers to improve training provision.
  • Ensuring work pipeline and funding certainty, allowing for long-term training programmes that add value to communities.

The full report can be read here.

The London Homes Coalition is a partnership of London’s major housing associations, key contractors and specialist service providers, including; Hyde Housing, L&Q, Metropolitan Thames Valley, Notting Hill Genesis, Peabody, The Guinness Partnership and Sovereign Network Group, Axis Europe, Fixatex, Kinovo, Langley, Plentific, TMN Contractors, Vital Energi and Wates.

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