Leading property services business Liberty has recently secured a Legionella services deal worth £1.16m with national landlord Riverside.
The appointment of the Merseyside-based business expands on a successful existing relationship with the landlord which manages more than 75,000 homes across England and Scotland.
The three-year contract, with an optional two-year extension, will see Liberty’s teams provide a Legionella Risk Assessment service to keep Riverside tenant’s water safe. The firm will also deliver maintenance repairs and routine monitoring for homes in Liverpool and across the North of England.
Liberty is committed to giving back to the communities it works in. Over the course of the contract, it will donate a total of around £10,000 to the landlord’s charity, the Riverside Foundation, which exists to transform lives.
Working in partnership with the charity, Liberty will provide six part-time jobs to Riverside residents and 300 week-long work experience placements to help increase people’s skills and employment prospects.
Liberty will also provide school visits, career sessions, and skill-building sessions for Riverside tenants.
Pierce Moloney, Service Delivery Manager, said: “Through our partnership with The Riverside Group, Liberty is not only providing legionella services but also fortifying our commitment to make a social impact in the communities we work.
“As we expand our services across Liverpool and the North of England, we go beyond routine maintenance and repairs. We aim to make a lasting difference in the communities we serve, donating £10,000 to the Riverside Foundation and providing 50 invaluable work placements and skill-building sessions in local schools.
“Liberty is dedicated to enhancing lives and creating meaningful change, one home and one opportunity at a time.”
Hugh Owen, Director of Strategy and Public Affairs at Riverside, commented: “We are looking forward to working with Liberty and want to thank them for pledging to donate £10,000 to the Riverside Foundation.
“This generous commitment will enable us to continue to invest in a wide variety of community projects that directly impact our customers at Riverside, and to support initiatives that deliver long-lasting benefits.”
Liberty offers the full range of property services, and its teams are experts in reactive and planned maintenance across all technical disciplines, refurbishments, mechanical and electrical projects, construction, and whole-home decarbonisation.