LACE Housing has formally marked the start of the build of its new £4.3m scheme for older people in Washingborough.
An official turning of the turf ceremony was held on 2nd May for the new development, which is being built on land formerly used for farming on Church Hill in Washingborough, near Lincoln.
It will consist of eight two-bedroom bungalows and 26 two-bedroom apartments for those aged 55 and over and is being created in partnership with North Kesteven District Council (NKDC).
Councillor Mrs Sally Tarry, Chairman of NKDC, said: “The council has worked with LACE Housing and the landowners for a number of years.
“We are delighted that LACE Housing, as one of the authority’s registered provider partners, has chosen to deliver a scheme of much-needed affordable homes for older people in Washingborough.”
LACE Housing is a charitable organisation and the development in the village has been made possible thanks to a £1.6m grant from Homes England as part of the Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes programme. Its schemes are designed to enable older people to remain within their communities and maintain links with their friends and family while enjoying quality facilities and services.
Lincoln firm Lindum Group is the main contractor and other partners include Thornton-Firkin, Longhurst Group, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue and architect firm Saunders Boston. Managing Director of Lindum Construction Simon Gregory said: “It’s fantastic to play a part in the creation of 34 new homes designed specifically to help local residents retain their independence.
“Helping to deliver affordable options for people who require a more specialist type of accommodation, in the areas they know and love, as they get older is very rewarding for us as a family business.”
Representatives from all partners were present at the turf cutting ceremony, which was hosted by LACE Housing’s Chief Executive Nick Chambers. Nick commented: “After months of planning, it’s a great feeling to have made a start onsite. We have worked with Lindum Construction on a number of projects and are confident in their ability to deliver a scheme that meets our high standards as a provider of quality housing.”
The new homes will be available in 2019 to either rent or buy through a shared ownership scheme. They are part of LACE Housing’s wider plan to build 82 new homes in Lincolnshire in 2018, as a result of securing a total of £3.7m from Homes England.