Jewson Partnership Solutions (JPS) has secured an up to 10-year contract worth up to £20 million with Saxon Weald, one of the largest housing associations in Sussex.
The two organisations will partner to support residents in Saxon Weald’s 6,900 rented and shared ownership properties, ensuring ongoing support to improve homes and communities.
As part of the contract, JPS will launch a managed store for Saxon Weald in Horsham, providing operatives with access to JPS’ hand-selected range of products that are identified as key to housing associations’ building and maintenance requirements.
JPS has also provided Saxon Weald with access to AVAIL, its automated replenishment technology, which ensures stock levels are always maintained and materials can be accessed by customers out of hours.
Scott Cooper, Managing Director of JPS, said: “Saxon Weald has some very specific objectives in terms of what it wants to offer its residents, the local community and its teams. The organisation is customer-led, forward thinking and inclusive, which aligns with our own priorities at JPS.”
“Working together, we’ll better support the people on the ground who ensure those values are embedded into every single Saxon Weald property and community, so they can achieve the highest possible standards of housing.”
Kath Hicks, Executive Director of Customer Operations at Saxon Weald said: “Ensuring we provide the highest quality repairs service to our customers is at the heart of what we do as a housing provider. The partnership with JPS will support us to achieve this, both through the provision of the managed store and access to local branches across our operating area. We are excited by the potential of the AVAIL system and the benefits this should deliver in terms of customer service.”