Social housing landlord ForHousing has begun building on two sites in Swinton and Irlam to bring 38 much-needed affordable homes to Salford.
With the demand for social housing outstripping supply, the 38 new homes being built across the two sites will provide essential and truly affordable housing.
The £3.2m White Lion scheme will offer a total of 18 affordable and high-quality homes, all for social rent, and comprises 13 one-bedroom homes and five two-bedroom homes.
Earmarked for completion in September 2025 the scheme has been awarded external funding of £1.35m from Homes England and £270,000 from the Brownfield Housing Fund.
The Brownfield Housing Fund is devolved to Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) by the Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities (DLUHC), under the “Levelling Up” programme.
Over at Allotment Road, in Irlam, a further 20 homes are being built with 10 one-bedroom apartments and 10 two-bedroom apartments, all of which will be available for social rent. The £3.7m scheme has received £1.5m in external funding from Homes England and £270,000 from the Brownfield Housing Fund and is set for completion in June 2025.

Nigel Sedman, Executive Director of Homes at ForHousing, said: “We’re committed to making a positive impact in the local community and on the lives of social housing tenants in Salford.
“The Swinton and Irlam developments stand as a testament to our unwavering dedication to addressing the urgent demand for genuinely affordable homes.
“Our focus goes beyond bricks and mortar; creating homes that are not only affordable but quality and well-maintained homes where tenants feel safe, secure and can thrive.”
Cllr Ged Cooney, GMCA Portfolio Lead for Housing, commented: “Through the Brownfield Housing Fund we are continuing to unlock sites across Greater Manchester. It’s great to see work begin on another project that will deliver much-needed homes in an area where there is high demand.”
Header image: White Lion CGI