A tenant survey has graded County Durham Housing Group in the top three of UK social landlords, according to TLF Research.
1,000 customers were selected at random to take part in the group’s annual Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) and asked for views on day-to-day housing services and estates and neighbourhoods. The questions included HouseMark’s core STAR requirements to ensure they were reflective of the sector. When compared with TLF Research’s league table of 114 housing associations, the group was placed third on its customer satisfaction index score and was above average in every housing requirement.
All areas scored eight out of 10 and above, and improved upon 2016’s survey, with key statistics showing:
- 92.8% of customers were satisfied with the overall service (+4.4%)
- 93.0% were satisfied that we listen to views and act upon them (+8.3%)
- 93.0% felt that their rent provides value for money (+7.5%)
- 84.7% of customers were satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service (+2.7%).
Customers also told researchers that they highly regarded the attitude of group employees and the ease of making contact when they had a query to raise. Louise Taylor, Head of Strategy and Performance, said: “We are delighted with outcomes of the survey and that improvements have been made overall since last year.
“What is particularly pleasing to hear is that customers hold the attitude of our teams in high regard, which complements the dedication our employees have to delivering an effective service and positive experience.
“But of course our work is not done. Customers have told us that ease of making contact, safety and security, and being treated fairly are all of paramount importance. We will now use this feedback, together with other key highlights of the report, to develop our plans and work to improve satisfaction in our homes and neighbourhoods in the years ahead.”