Local councillors have been treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of Warwickshire’s first Passivhaus affordable housing development.
Stratford-on-Avon District Councillor Simon Lawton, Chairman of Wootton Wawen Parish Council Councillor Mark McCall, and Councillor Michael Dufty attended an open afternoon at the site in Wootton Wawen, along with leading figures from each of the partners involved in this project.
Warwickshire Rural Housing Association’s Passivhaus development in Wootton Wawen is set to make a big difference to local people by providing high quality, low energy, affordable homes specifically for those with a connection to the village. The Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan recognises that an influx of younger people is needed to make the community more sustainable. It supports the development of small-scale, community-led affordable housing schemes for people who have either family or work ties to Wootton Wawen.
To meet this need, Warwickshire Rural Housing Association is developing 14 properties in partnership with Waterloo Housing Group and developer Bouygues UK. Funding has been provided by Stratford-on-Avon District Council and the Homes and Communities Agency, along with a significant financial commitment from WRHA. The development is due to be completed in Spring 2018.
Neil Gilliver, Development Officer at Warwickshire Rural Housing Association, commented: “We were pleased to be able to show, at first hand, how well the Wootton Wawen development is progressing.
“This is a real partnership project which has the backing of the local community and we will be keeping everyone involved throughout the build.”
Councillor Simon Lawton added: “I was very impressed by the quality and speed of construction in developing this important village asset.
“I, and other councillors, were pleased to have confirmation that in allocating these homes, local villagers will have absolute priority. Given the demand for affordable accommodation, I have no doubt that plot reservations will come thick and fast.”
All the homes are being built to the rigorous Passivhaus standard to make them as energy-efficient as possible. Space heating costs are set to be 70% less than standard house constructions, due to the superior levels of insulation and air tightness. The result is that energy consumption and fuel bills will be radically cut.
Pictured above, from left to right, are: Renata Mosz, District Housing Enabler at Stratford-on-Avon District Council; Neil Gilliver, Developer Officer at Warwickshire Rural Housing Association; Cllr Mark McCall, Chair of Wootton Wawen Parish Council; Hazel Pennington, Project Manager at Waterloo Housing Group and John Gordon, Development and Enabling Officer at Stratford-on-Avon District Council.