Caledonia Housing Association has published its first Climate and Sustainability Strategy which sets out how it will tackle climate change and meet the Scottish Government’s net zero target by 2045. It can be read here.
Spearheaded by the Board of Caledonia Housing Group, which includes Cordale Housing Association, the Climate and Sustainability Strategy relates to all Group business activity, including how the net zero commitments will be delivered across the Group’s operations, homes and supply chain. The Climate and Sustainability Strategy identifies clear measures and reporting frameworks and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The ambitious Strategy has four key themes:
- Measuring, managing and reporting carbon emissions
- Improving energy efficiency of properties and decarbonisation of homes
- Adopting sustainable business practices, including engaging with communities and building new homes
- Enhancing sustainable procurement to reduce the impact on the environment
Ongoing priorities include the development of a Net Zero Strategy, Waste Management Plan and Low Carbon Transport Plan.
The Strategy launch follows on from the appointment earlier this year of Eileen McMahon, in a newly formed role of Climate Change Coordinator, to lead on implementing the Strategy.
Derek Robertson, Caledonia Board Member leading on Net Zero, said: “I am delighted to see the development and launch of our Climate and Sustainability Strategy. Climate change and sustainability is core and central to our business plan and we are proud to have established a strategy and roadmap that will ensure sustainability is integral to how we operate on a day-to-day basis and can enable the Group to become net zero by 2045.
“It’s also encouraging to see the positive impact of changes we have already introduced. Our carbon footprint reduced by 13% between 2019 and 2022 with the implementation of new agile working practices and energy savings. We will continue with our firm commitment to reduce our emissions as we play our part in contributing to a sustainable future.”
Caledonia has also published its first annual report on climate change targets, which details how the organisation has performed in 2022-2023. The report can be read here.