As the inclusion of effective solar PV on roofscapes becomes more commonplace, local authorities who are charged with delivering sustainable, high quality and safe housing for their tenants should ensure they select best in class solutions that also include safety-first protection measures. Here, Stuart Nicholson, Roof Systems Director at Marley, outlines some of the key considerations.
Amendments to Part L of the Building Regulations, which became mandatory from June 2022, signal a key milestone in the steps to achieving net zero by 2050. All those responsible for specifying and constructing new homes, including the local authority sector, must ensure continued compliance with the uplift changes to Part L which states all new homes are designed and constructed to produce 31% lower carbon emissions.
We are also advancing towards the introduction of the Future Homes Standard in 2025. At that point, all newly constructed homes need to be specified as highly energy-efficient, use renewable technology solutions and be zero carbon ready.
Ensuring the nation’s housing stock, including local authority properties, is measurably more energy-efficient is a vital element of the national net zero strategy; one that puts the adoption of sustainable building and roofing solutions under the spotlight.
The solar solution
Improvement in energy efficiency (and lower carbon emissions) set out in the Part L amendments simply can’t be delivered by enhancing the building fabric on its own. As a result, and to meet the immediate Part L challenge, we are seeing an increase of solar PV on the roofscape, together with a highly efficient boiler, as the easiest and most cost-effective way to meet the new carbon reduction targets. In fact, Solar Energy UK predicts that the Part L changes could lead to a five-fold increase in the number of new homes specified with renewable solar technology on the roof.
Solar PV technology is a tried and tested solution, which is readily available and has become much more affordable as its popularity soars. Aside from its cleaner and sustainable energy generating capabilities, solar can also make a positive contribution to easing household energy costs, an aspect that tenants will readily welcome as energy costs remain at historically high levels.

Ensure total safety with ArcBox
As the provider of a market-leading integrated solar panel roof offering — SolarTile — that is gaining traction with local authority new-builds across the UK, Marley is also working to ensure that any potential concerns about safety and long-lasting protection for homes and tenants are alleviated.
To support this, SolarTile now also offers the assurance of a safety protection solution. The recently launched solar connector enclosure, ArcBox offers peace of mind following solar panel installation and comes as part of a holistic and proven renewable system solution available from Marley.
While the risk of electrical fire caused by solar PV on the roof is extremely low, safety remains a primary concern for those charged with a duty of care for tenants. As such, ArcBox has been innovatively designed to further enhance safety standards across all types of solar connections.
Independently verified by the KIWA fire test laboratory and Loughborough University, ArcBox forms part of Marley’s comprehensive full roof system, underpinned by a 15-year guarantee. It is suitable for solar projects in both domestic and commercial settings such as homes as well as schools, hospitals or care homes and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) solar projects, or any building where DC cabling must be installed in the vicinity of roofing made of combustible materials.
Integrated roofing systems
As traction towards net zero continues to gather pace, renewable technologies, such as solar PV are here to stay. They will be a critical part in how the construction industry undertakes the transformation of homes into more sustainable and energy-efficient places in which tenants live and connect. Part L and the forthcoming Future Homes Standard are regulatory milestones for local authorities looking to create the type of energy-efficient and comfortable homes needed for their tenants.
By selecting a best in class fully integrated roofing system from a single source; one that includes a high performing solar PV solution and safety-driven ancillary components such as ArcBox, local authorities can confidently proceed with their sustainability agendas. Doing so will mean they can generate tenant outcomes that deliver cleaner energy, address energy cost concerns, help tackle the climate emergency and guarantee safety for homes and households.
More information on Marley’s SolarTile is available here.
More information Marley’s ArcBox is available here.