LHC Procurement Group’s Group Managing Director Clive Feeney and Chair of the Board Simon Wilson discuss positive changes at the organisation, and what its new CLG structure and Board mean for public sector clients.
1. How much difference will the company structure and new Board make to LHC Procurement Group?
Clive: This is the culmination of an 18-month governance review and nine years’wider work to fully embed our business units across Great Britain, to enable us to better represent our public sector clients’ needs at a local level.
The new structure really recognises our commitment to improving lives in local communities. not only is this baked into our procurement solutions but is delivered through our Community Benefit Fund, which provided almost £275,000 in grants to local community causes across the country in 2022/23.
Simon: The fact that this year LHC has had one of its strongest financial performances is testament to this work. It also illustrates that these fundamental structural changes are right to prepare us for future growth.
2. How important is it that LHC has directly sought board representation from public sector organisations it works with?
Clive: We’ve been clear since the start of this process that having senior representatives from public sector organisations across Great Britain on the Board is essential for directing and shaping the future of LHC, ensuring its continued growth and success.
To understand what is happening out there in the communities in which our frameworks operate, we need to work closely with those organisations that are truly embedded in these areas.
Simon: In my experience, the organisations that really manage to hone their services to meet clients’ and customers’ needs are those that are integrating these views and challenges at board level. This was certainly key in attracting me to the chair position at LHC.
3. What are the challenges and opportunities for the next 12 months?
Simon: Building an effective board that provides appropriate oversight, and both supports and guides the executive in delivering our core services, presents an immediate challenge and opportunity.
Clive: It’s going to be a very exciting, busy 12 months embedding our fantastic new Board and CLG structure, working to deliver what the public sector needs in terms of social housing, education, and the maintenance and refurbishment of the built environment. We are using the changes to further sharpen our services and drive excellence in public sector procurement.
4. Why is good practice procurement so important for the future of the construction sector?
Clive: Procurement is vital for the construction sector in driving jobs creation, pushing for higher standards against legislation and guidance, and encouraging collaboration. There has never been such a concerted focus on procurement, frameworks and alliancing as key mechanisms for achieving excellence in the built environment, and this will continue with the Procurement Bill.
Simon: One of the ways the UK can speed up our transition to carbon net zero is by expanding our low carbon housebuilding and major retrofit programmes. Value-led public sector construction frameworks have an important part to play in this.
For more information on LHC and its services visit www.lhcprocure.org.uk
Header images shows (from left to right): Group Managing Director Clive Feeney and Chair of the Board Simon Wilson.