Door-Stop International | Specifying fire doorsets with dual certification

Door-Stop International | Specifying fire doorsets with dual certification

Social landlords can reassure tenants of the fire safety and security performance of doorsets by specifying products that have achieved independent, third-party dual certification. Door-Stop International and Warringtonfire explain the benefits of choosing fire doorsets with this additional layer of testing. 

What is the difference between a fire door and a fire doorset? 
A fire door usually only refers to the fire door leaf. The door leaf is installed into a compatible frame, complete with its compatible essential ironmongery. A fire doorset is supplied pre-assembled in the frame, manufactured to the required size and includes all of the correct components such as ironmongery and seals.

Fire doorsets should be third-party tested and certificated using an independent UKAS accredited test house and certification body such as Warringtonfire and BM TRADA. This provides assurances on the doorsets performance and the manufacturer’s integrity. 

What is dual certification? 
“Dual scope certification is where fire and security performance is certified under the responsibility of a single certification body,” explains Mark West, Technical Development Engineer at Warringtonfire. “All the testing and assessments are carried out to carefully ensure both performances are maintained, the scope of certification and specification is identical and any security features do not affect the fire performance and vice versa.”

How does it compare to other fire door testing? 
“Dual scope certification provides confidence that the product meets its required performance for both fire and security, and that any changes to the product are developed with fire, security and all other relevant performances in mind,” says Mark. 

“Any future product enhancements will be rigorously assessed in all applicable areas. This ensures that neither fire nor security performance is compromised at any point, a position that cannot necessarily be achieved when the certification is not linked in this way.”

Warringtonfire and BM TRADA, which are both part of the Element Group, are one of the few certification bodies in the UK with the technical competence to offer this dual certification through their Certisecure, Certifire and Q-Mark certification schemes. 

Certisecure, a scheme recognised by Secured by Design (SBD), is used by Warringtonfire to demonstrate a fire doorsets security credentials. 

How does dual certification fit in to wider fire safety legislation? 
Dual certification provides all the information required for the golden thread; one of the recommendations of the Hackitt Review. 

In MHCLG’s response to the Building a Safer Future consultation, it announced that all 53 of the recommendations from the Hackitt review were going to be implemented. 

The response gave more clarity on the new regulatory regime and defined the duty-holders for the design, construction and refurbishment phases of a building. The client, principal designer and principal contractor have a vital role in creating and maintaining the golden thread. 

At the third and final gateway, the client must submit information on the final building, which will form part of the golden thread data. 

When the building has been approved, the golden thread will be handed over to the accountable person who, alongside the Building Safety Manager, will keep the golden thread updated with the latest building information. This includes any future refurbishment works. 

What can social landlords do to improve fire safety in their buildings?
“Fire safety is about hundreds, if not thousands, of different factors, that need to work together as a complete system if an emergency happens. Refusing to take a holistic view of fire safety is shortsighted, and as we know, deadly,” says Hannah Mansell, Group Technical Director of Premdor Crosby. 

The new Door-Stop International Fire and Security Dual-Certificated Doorset aims to be the product of choice for those wanting to improve existing buildings or specify new developments. Designed by Door-Stop, a subsidiary of Premdor Crosby, the timber core product with GRP facings is third-party certificated by Warringtonfire. A robust base of primary test evidence has been used as the foundation for certification.

“Do not be complacent. Even a perfectly produced fire door with third party certification will not perform to expectations if installed incorrectly,” warns Hannah. 

“Installation of fire doorsets needs to be considered hand in hand with the product itself, as a complete system. This is why we have also tested our doorset with a range of lineal gap sealing systems to provide this assurance of the ‘system’ working.

“Installation must also be carried out in accordance with certification and the manufacturer’s guidance, using approved material and methods. This must be supported by regular maintenance to ensure that the product will perform in an emergency. If it isn’t installed correctly, certification is invalid and the required level of safety and protection may not be provided to the building’s occupants.”

Regular, open communication with residents is also key. Every doorset that Door Stop supplies is shipped with detailed installation instructions and a Resident Guide. The guide includes an easy to follow check list that will help residents avoid the common pitfalls that prevent fire doors performing in the event of an emergency, as well as the methods to report concerns, find out further information and fully trace their fire doorset back to its original certification and specification. 

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