Your Homes Newcastle (YHN), which manages more than 26,000 properties on behalf of Newcastle City Council ...
Your Homes Newcastle conducts fire safety trial in Newcastle tower blocks
Your Homes Newcastle conducts fire safety trial in Newcastle tower blocks
GM Homes Partnership celebrates one-year anniversary by housing 250 rough sleepers
GM Homes Partnership celebrates one-year anniversary by housing 250 rough sleepers
Leeds City Council and United Living submit plans for UK’s largest modular council housing development
Leeds City Council and United Living submit plans for UK’s largest modular council housing development
Full house for B@HOME as Woodhead Group hands over six more properties
Full house for B@HOME as Woodhead Group hands over six more properties
Housing association First Choice Homes Oldham launches shared ownership and outright sales arm
Housing association First Choice Homes Oldham launches shared ownership and outright sales arm
Malthouse announces £6m funding boost for community-led affordable housing
Malthouse announces £6m funding boost for community-led affordable housing
McDermott Group awarded £4m Falkirk Council district heating upgrade
McDermott Group awarded £4m Falkirk Council district heating upgrade
Social housing over past 20 years could have saved renters £1.8bn
Social housing over past 20 years could have saved renters £1.8bn
First new council homes completed in milestone Townhill Park redevelopment
First new council homes completed in milestone Townhill Park redevelopment
Catalyst starts on 100% affordable residential scheme in Dunstable
Catalyst starts on 100% affordable residential scheme in Dunstable