Two Rivers Housing has started the regeneration of its Johnstone Close site in a project that will deliver 20 new affordable homes in Staunton.
The former sheltered housing scheme will be transformed to provide 14 homes for social rent in an area where affordable housing is desperately needed. A further six homes will be available for Shared Ownership helping local people get a foot on the property ladder.
Two Rivers Housing has partnered with Harper Group, who will be responsible for demolition of the existing properties and the construction of the 20 new homes. The homes will include a mix of two- and three-bedroom homes and one-bedroom flats and bungalows.
The original buildings at Johnstone Close needed re-design and modernisation so, in 2019, Two Rivers Housing consulted with tenants and reached the decision to redevelop the site. Following this, the Gloucestershire-based organisation held consultations with local residents and developed a plan for a new site that would better meet the housing needs of the community.
The project received planning permission from Forest of Dean District Council in 2022. Earlier this year, Two Rivers Housing secured a grant from Homes England to help fund the development.
Terri Hibberd, Development Manager at Two Rivers Housing said: “There is a real need for affordable family homes in Staunton. After years of planning, the regeneration of Johnstone Close will allow us to make better use of the site and support the housing needs of the local community. It’s fantastic to see the demolition begin, as the first step to providing these new homes, which are so desperately needed.”