The UK’s largest builder of social rent homes has completed the purchase of land in a Worcestershire village for its latest development.
Housing association Bromford has finalised a deal to secure the four-acre site in Offenham, which already has planning permission for 34 homes. Bromford is now preparing to start work on the site, which is off Three Cocks Lane, and aims to have completed the new homes by early 2026.
The site was granted planning permission in February with 40% of the homes designated as affordable, but Bromford will make it a 100% affordable site with homes either available for rent or to part-rent part-buy through its shared ownership scheme. Twenty-four homes will be rented through the local authority’s choice-based lettings scheme, while the shared ownership homes will be sold through Bromford. A mix of two-, three- and four-bedroom homes will be built on the site.
Head of Land, Lyndon Parkes, said: “We want to maintain our position as one of the country’s leading developers of affordable housing and have ambitions to build an additional 11,000 homes by 2032. We want to have greater control over our ability to do this by building more homes ourselves, so it’s vital that we acquire good quality land so we can achieve our aspirations and continue to provide homes in the communities we work in across the West Midlands and West of England.
“We’re delighted to have secured this land, which will provide modern, energy efficient homes for dozens of local families. This is a really attractive site, which includes plenty of green space for residents to enjoy, and we’re looking forward to seeing construction get underway later this year.”
Bromford’s in-house construction team will be starting work on site this autumn. Last year the team completed around 150 of the 1,151 homes built by the housing association.