Dacorum Borough Council’s new social housing block in Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead, has officially been named ‘Eastwick Row’.
Once complete, the new Eastwick Row block will provide 34 one- and two-bedroom apartments of which four will be provided as wheelchair-accessible homes. The flats will be delivered in a modern seven-storey building, complementing the two existing tower buildings. In addition, the scheme will provide associated car parking for the development and community landscaped open spaces.
At a topping out ceremony marking the completion of the concrete frame, Council Leader Councillor Andrew Williams was joined by Councillor Margaret Griffiths, the Council’s housing development and housing management teams as well as the main contractor, Jarvis Contracting, to celebrate the progress on the new seven-storey block.
Work is expected to be completed in winter 2023.

Mountbatten View (Paradise Fields)
As part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to deliver much-needed affordable housing, it is developing Mountbatten View which is located in St Albans Road, Hemel Hempstead. The development is adjacent to a large wildlife area known as Paradise and an existing wood to the northern boundary.

The scheme will include 58 apartments, a community garden and a woodland walk. There will also be 64 parking spaces for residents (with 32 active electric vehicle charging points).
The development comprises of nine one-bed and 49 two-bed apartments (including six wheelchair units).
In January, the Council’s contractor Bugler Developments invited Council representatives for a tour of the site to see first-hand work that will enable more high-quality affordable homes in Dacorum for those most in need. Work is expected to be completed in 2024.

Councillor Margaret Griffiths, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, said: “Our new developments will provide the type of sustainable and energy-efficient affordable housing which is so vital in enabling local communities to thrive, particularly with the significant challenges many are facing in Dacorum because of the cost-of-living crisis.
“Over the last 10 years, the Council has delivered hundreds of new homes to meet housing need across the borough and we remain absolutely committed to meeting demand in the coming years. Everyone has the right to be able to live in a safe, affordable and high-quality home.”
Header image: Eastwick Row topping out ceremony.