M-AR Offsite joins new trade body Make UK Modular

M-AR Offsite joins new trade body Make UK Modular

Offsite specialist contractor M-AR has become a member of the UK’s modular housing trade body, Make UK Modular, as part of its mission to drive Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) into the mainstream and provide continued support for the industry as a whole.

M-AR will join industry leaders including, among others, Ilke Homes, Vision Modular Systems, L&G Modular, Top Hat, as members of Make UK Modular. Launched just over a year ago in December 2021 as the voice of the UK’s modular housing manufacturers, Make UK Modular’s mission is to strengthen the modular manufacturing sector to help solve the UK housing crisis by delivering better, greener homes faster.

The trade body’s recent ground-breaking report titled ‘Greener, Better, Faster: Modular’s Role in Solving the Housing Crisis’ highlights how the modular housing sector is currently responsible for one third of the construction industry’s research and development spending. The report also concluded that with Government backing the offsite sector would be able to deliver more than 20,000 new modular low energy homes per annum by 2025.

Steve Cole, Director of Make UK Modular said: “We are delighted that M-AR Offsite is joining Make UK Modular. M-AR is the perfect fit as the team is committed to driving innovation in the modular sector and the company’s outward-looking approach means M-AR is focussed on promoting the use of modular widely for the benefit of all not just its own clients — something which aligns closely with what we’re aiming to achieve.

“M-AR’s recent track record delivering schemes ranging from an independent living project with Centrepoint to new homes with Bromley Council demonstrates the ever-increasing diversity of homes modular is delivering up and down the country.

“The modular industry needs ambitious and innovative businesses like M-AR Offsite to thrive. I, and all our members, look forward to working with them.”

Ryan Geldard, Director at M-AR added: “One of our guiding principles at M-AR is to strive to challenge accepted industry norms to unlock the full potential of MMC in order to build future-proof homes and buildings quicker and more efficiently. I’m a firm believer that collaboration is key to doing this so it’s really exciting to be part of Make UK Modular so we can continue to work closely with our industry peers to drive innovation in modular construction as part of our mission to take MMC into the mainstream.

“This year we’re celebrating our 15th anniversary as a business and we’ve got big plans to continue to grow and scale up our operations. We’re continually investing in and innovating our offering and we’re now seeking investment to scale the business further as part of our strategic growth programme — our inclusion as a member of Make UK Modular is a key strategic step towards this goal.”

Modular housing can transform the UK housing market by delivering better quality new homes, faster and more efficiently than traditional build. Make UK Modular members will work together to influence Government, share best practice and develop technical innovations, in order to realise the full potential of offsite construction.

Header image from left to right: Steve Cole, Director of Make UK Modular and Ryan Geldard, Director of M-AR and Dave Sheridan, Chair of Ilke Homes and Make UK Modular.

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